Cukurova University,Department of Textile Engineering, Main Branch of Textile Technology

Hello! I am Abdurrahman Telli, academician at the Cukurova University, TR. My research activities are related to textile technology, sustainable textile and recycling in textiles. This site contains information about my publications, projects, books and events.

The effects of metal type, number of layers, and hybrid yarn placement on the absorption and reflection properties in electromagnetic shielding of woven fabrics

In this study, stainless steel, copper, and silver wires were intermingled with two polyamide 6.6 filaments through the commingling technique to produce three-component hybrid yarns...

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An Image Processing Research Consistent with Standard Photographs to Determine Pilling Grade of Woven Fabrics

Objective results corresponding to each parameter were analyzed comparatively with these subjective results.The developed method was successful by using mean of matrix elements from textural parameters and total area from pill characteristics....

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Usage of Recycled Cotton and Polyester Fibers for Sustainable Staple Yarn Technology

In this study, yarns were produced from cotton fibers (CO), recycled cotton fibers obtained from yarn wastes (r-CO) and fibers produced from recycled PET bottles (r-PET).Tensile strength, elongation at break, unevenness (CVm), yarn imperfections (IPI) values and hairiness properties of these yarns were measuredThe purpose of this study was to eliminate negative characteristics of recycled cotton and polyester fibers with using together by open-end spinning system..

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November 20, 2024

The Evaluation of Uster Hairiness Results with an Image Analysis Approach

In this study, the images of the yarns were taken using a stereomicroscope. MATLAB software was used in image processing studies. The recommended image acquisition and processing steps in previous studies were followed, and the obtained results from textural parameters of images were compared with the results of Uster H and sh. The highest correlation in Uster H hairiness was obtained in the entropy textural parameter of the Sobel technique. The highest correlation in Uster sh hairiness was obtained in the mean of matrix elements (mean2) from the textural parameters in the Sobel technique. In general, higher correlation results were found in Uster sh than in Uster H. It has been observed that the Uster H results have deficiencies in determining the hairiness of dyed yarns. The different from the literature, this study presents that among the hairiness parameters, Uster sh shows the values closest to the real.

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Seçilmiş İpliklerde Zweigle İplik Tüylülüğü Sonuçlarına Farklı Test Hızlarının Etkisi

ÖZET: Bu çalışmada, Zweigle G657 cihazında iplik tüylülüğü sonuçlarına farklı test hızlarının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ölçümler, cihazda seçenek olarak sunulan 25 m/dk, 50 m/dk, 100 m/dk ve 400 m/dk olmak üzere dört farklı test hızında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Test hızının etkisi SPSS programı kullanılarak istatistiki olarak incelenmiştir. İplik tüylülüğü sonuçları üzerinde, test hızındaki değişimin direkt olarak etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Tüylerin sınıflandırılmasında 10 mm’ye kadar, test hızları arasındaki farkın önemli seviyede olduğu görülmüştür. Aralarındaki bu farklılıklar 10 mm’den sonra önemsiz düzeye gelmiştir. Test hızı arttıkça ipliğin S3 tüylülük değerlerinde genel olarak bir artış eğilimi gözlenmiştir. Ancak bu çalışmada literatürden farklı olarak, çalışma için seçilen farklı yapıdaki ipliklerde farklı sonuçlarda elde edilmiştir. Farklı hızlarda elde edilen sonuçların karşılaştırma amaçlı kullanılmasının doğru olmayacağı net olarak görülmektedir. Yeni versiyon cihazlarda daha yüksek test hızlarına çıkma eğilimi bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, S3 tüylülüğü bilgisi verilirken, hangi cihazda ve hangi test hızında ölçüldüğü bilgisinin verilmesi gerektiği çıkarımı yapılmıştır.

The Effect of Different Test Speed on Zweigle Yarn Hairiness Results in Selected Yarns

ABSTRACT: In this study, the effect of different test speeds on yarn hairiness results in the Zweigle G657 device was investigated. Measurements were carried out at four different test speeds of 25 m/min, 50 m/min, 100 m/min and 400 m/min, which are available as options on the device. The effect of test speed was analyzed statistically using the SPSS program. It has been seen that the change in test speed has a direct effect on the yarn hairiness results. It has been observed that the difference between test speeds up to hairs in 10 mm in the classification of hair numbers is significant. These differences between them became insignificant after hairs in 10 mm. It can be generally said that an increasing trend was observed in the yarn S3 hairiness values as the test speed increased. However, different results were obtained in the yarns of different structures selected for the study different from the literature. It is clearly seen that it would not be appropriate to use the obtained results from different speeds for various comparisons. There is a tendency for higher test speeds on newer version devices. For this reason, it has been deduced that it is necessary to give the information on which device and at which test speed it was measured while giving the S3 hairiness information.

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The Comparison Of The Yarn Hairiness Test Devices Using The Hairiness Length Classification System

Yarn hairiness is an important element of total quality control. Zweigle system and its different versions are widely used commercially in the industry for the determination of yarn hairiness and these devices are only on hairiness. The measurement sensor on them classifies the hairs according to their length. In this research, Zweigle G567 and Uster Zweigle HL400 using the hairiness length classification system were compared. The most important difference between the two devices is that the recommended measuring speed for Uster Zweigle HL400 is eight times higher than Zweigle G567. In the study, thirteen yarns in different structures were used. The hairiness results in each mm were evaluated statistically in the SPSS program. It was observed that there were significant differences between the measurement results of two devices. In the literature, it is stated that there is an increase in the number of hairs with the increase in test speed of the Zweigle series hairiness devices. However, it was found in this study that there was a decrease in the number of hairs in most of the yarns measured in HL400 that use higher test speed. The more surprising result was that the strong correlation was determined between G567 and HL400 although the hair number obtained from devices show significant differences. This shows that the devices gave correlated results according to its operating principle, but the results of two devices operating at different speeds should not be compared with each other on the same test parameters.

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Örme Kumaş Gözenekliliği ile Hava Geçirgenliği Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

ÖZET: Bu çalışmada farklı yapı ve özellikte on iki adet 1x1 rib örme kumaş kullanılmıştır. Örme kumaşların hava geçirgenlikleri ölçülmüş ve mikroskop altında görüntüleri alınmıştır. Görsellerin MATLAB paket programında görüntü işleme teknikleriyle görüntü doku parametreleri analiz edilmiştir. Kumaş gözenekliliği ile ilgili sekiz farklı görüntü doku parametresi ve hava geçirgenliği arasındaki ilişki korelasyon analizi ile istatistiki olarak incelenmiştir. Aynı hammaddeden üretilmiş kumaşlarda kumaş gözenekliliği parametreleri ile hava geçirgenliği arasında güçlü bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Ancak farklı hammaddeler kullanıldığında bu güçlü ilişkinin azaldığı gözlenmiştir. Örme kumaşların hava geçirgenliği üzerinde iplik ve kumaş gözenekliliğine ek olarak lif özellikleri ve karışım oranının da etkileri tespit edilmiştir.

Investigation of the Relationship Between Porosity of Knitted Fabrics and Air Permeability

ABSTRACT: In this study, twelve 1x1 rib knitted fabrics containing different structure and features were used. Air permeability of knitted fabrics was measured and their images were taken under a microscope. Textural properties of images were analyzed with image processing techniques in MATLAB package program. The relationship between air permeability and eight different textural parameters of images related to fabric porosity were analyzed statistically with correlation analysis. A strong relationship was found between fabric porosity parameters and air permeability in fabrics produced from the same raw material. However, it was observed that this strong relationship decreased when different raw materials were preferred. The effects of fiber properties and blending ratio were determined on the air permeability of knitted fabrics in addition to yarn and fabric porosity.

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